Bruiser, Pebbles & Daddy have been practicing hard, getting ready for their second Rally competition. Two more qualifying scores and they will earn their Rally Novice title!
I’ve got my game face on, Mom! Dad and I are warmed up. We’re ready to do this Rally course. No whammies this time, Dad!
Yep, it’s the Bruiser Prance! When he gets super excited and focused, he totally prances! Love the complete concentration and focus on Daddy. Nothing’s going to distract Super B!
Hey, Mom, can I just hang out here next to you? Do I really have to go do the Rally course? I’m pretty comfortable right here.
Oh Pebbles! In places like this, where there is a ton of stuff going on, lots of people, lots of dogs, lots of noise, Pebbles gets overwhelmed. With all of our training, and continuously exposing her to events like this, we have come a very long way. But, she is not and does not relax. Although she knows what to do, and is totally capable of doing just as well as Bruiser, she gets a little panicked when she leaves Mommy’s side. Unlike Bruiser, who has 100% attention on Daddy, Pebbles attention is split between Daddy & Mommy. She is not supposed to be sitting sideways here, she is supposed to be sitting perfectly parallel with Dad’s legs. But, she just couldn’t resist…”Hi, Mom! Look at me!” (Even though Mom was really far away from the ring and even had people standing in between.) We don’t fault her for it. She’s come a really long way, and we are so proud of her! It’s Pebbles, she has to always put her own spin on things!
We could not be more proud of these two!! They both earned another qualifying leg on the way to their Novice Rally Titles! Bruiser received a perfect score – 100! (Of course, wouldn’t you know it, there was someone else who also scored a perfect score. The tie breaker is time. The dog that does it in the quickest time takes the top spot. Yes, the other dog had much longer legs, and therefore was 14 seconds faster. Bruiser took home a 2nd place ribbon.) And, Pebs, well even with her “Hi, Mom” midcourse, she scored a 93! Our little Rally Obedience stars!! Easily the smallest on the course! And, of course, big kudos to Daddy for guiding them both…Mom would be a nervous wreck on the course, so Daddy gets to be the one to shoulder all the pressure.
And, back to Rally we go! There are no photos of Pebbles. We did a test to see if it would make a difference. Pebbles did not know that Mommy was at the event. She and Daddy went separately and did their run first. It didn’t make a difference. She was still somewhat distracted and scored the exact same score! Guess that means Mommy can be in the building, just not close to the ring. Instead, you get an extra photo of Bruiser with his perfect attention on Daddy!
Prancing with speed! This kid…he is just amazing, talented, entertaining, upbeat and happy, all rolled into one little fluffy bundle!
And, with that, the weekend’s activities come to an end on a wonderful high note! Both Bruiser and Pebbles had qualifying runs and earned their Rally Novice Titles! Bruiser with a score of 99 and Pebbles with a score of 93. Which also earned them 2nd and 3rd place ribbons! Next up, Rally Advanced! Which means off leash…eek!