We packed up the car and headed to Mortimer Farms for another Central Arizona Rat Patrol Barn Hunt trial. Although it was quite warm, Mom had some creative ways to keep us cool as we attempted to earn our Novice titles!
Over the weekend, we squeezed in one last Barn Hunt Trial before the summer heat completely shuts everything down! We headed back up north to Mortimer Farms, where it’s at least 10 degrees cooler. Between our canopy, and some great tree shade, we were able to stay out of the sun all day.
The morning started off with the speed and excitement of Crazy 8s! That’s where you have two minutes to find up to 8 rats, go through the tunnel and climb. You get points for everything you do!
Hey, Mom! Are you and your shutter speed keeping up with me and my lightning fast moves?
Eight rats means there’s always some on the ground level, but I caught the scent of the highest rat…the one on the top of the third level of bales. I climbed my way to the top and confirmed there was indeed a rat hiding in that fluff!
Hey, Dad! Get up here and get this rat! I need to keep looking for more.
Don’t get in my way, I’m working my Novice course...I’m in hunt mode! With Novice, you have two minutes to find one rat (there are two decoy tubes), go through the tunnel and climb up on a bale.
Hey, Miss Rat! Are you up here? Just squeak, if you are!
Dad, Dad, Dad!! I found the rat! I don’t think you can follow me in, but trust me it’s in here!
What?!? I had 4 seconds to spare, why are you giving me that look?
Mom wanted to make 100% sure we didn’t overheat. We tend to get really excited when we’re hunting and when you add our excitement level to the heat, it would be easy for us to get too warm. This was her solution. We think she’s pretty ridiculous!
Okay, fine, so it worked! We stayed cool, comfy and might have fallen asleep!
My turn to run the Novice course. Quickly through the tunnel I went. Check! Next up was a quick climb. Check!
Yep, this is the rat Dad, call RAT!
Wow, talk about a serious celebration! I guess successfully completing my third Novice course means I’ve earned my first Barn Hunt Title, and next time I get to advance to the next level!!
With all this excitement, energy output and heat, this 11 year old is a bit tired. Just a short little nap, and then I’ll be raring to go!
I’m melting!! (Okay, fine, maybe it’s my ice that is melting.)
Oh, you know, just adding to our ever growing ribbon collection! Two blues, this time!
When your ribbons are bigger than you, I think that means it was a hugely successful weekend! Not only did I earn my Novice Title, but I also had the quickest time in my class…that’s compared to dogs of all sizes!!